Saturday, November 1, 2008

Long time NO post... Time to become Journal Boy... ( friends only Fri, June 13, 2008 - 5:15 PM

I've coming out of my cocoon...

Booking more acting jobs...

Having more fun...

I'm Seeking less and Needing less Approval...
And Getting more of it...
Funny how that works...

Being aware and respectful without being overly concerned about other peoples processing...

Everyone is on the same journey but not always or typically at the same point on the path at the same time...

I'm far more connected to intention these days... or at least my mirth and grounding myself in the knowledge that I am an amazing human and I surround myself with those who get that -and- I aim to inspire and nurture the amazingness in them!

...And for those who choose other ways of being, other ways of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching...
Those who choose to be unaware of the amazing Beings around them, the amazing Being everybody is...

I just choose to love them more (really)...
... Give them space (as long as I know)
.........and wish them well on their journey (God speed)...
...............with whatever companions they choose to travel with (just not me)...

Go with God... But please go...

All I ask is to be left to explore,
...with the companions I choose,
.......unencumbered by judgments, musings and discussions of me and my companions (without our presence),
............and for you to defend everyones right to choose, unoffended by their choices (they are not personal)
..................and I shall afford you the same courtesy and grace

And if I have committed this offense, well, shame on me...
I implore my friends to call me on it, hold the mirror up to me and shatter my hypocrisy ...
My past, My child, My fear was triggered and I forgot who I've worked so hard on becoming...
And I will thank you for making me aware of my digression, my transgression, my true mission...
For making me just plain AWARE of and bringing me back to this moment...


Shame on me,
My friend...
If I don't do this for you...

----------------- Comments -----------------


Fri, June 13, 2008 - 6:45 PM
I never liked Ya, and fuck yer day!
Good to see you here!!!!

Fri, June 13, 2008 - 6:46 PM
Sounds like good stuff, Sam. Congratulations on the growth and acting jobs!

Fri, June 13, 2008 - 10:31 PM
Fill yer boots, man!

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