Saturday, November 1, 2008

I am such a Theatre FAG!!! Spring Awakening... (Tribe) Fri, July 25, 2008 - 1:23 PM giving me chills... and tearing me up... and I'm just watching it on YouTube...

I really miss (yearn for) GOOD Powerful theatre... (Not just trite or pretensious)
and this show is Painfully Good...
Based on a banned Play written in Germany in 1890 about teenage pain, confusion, sexuality and suicide...

I have NOT seen it but it will be in town (downtown LA) October 29 - December 7, 2008
Center Theatre Group Spring Awakening
(The damn music in the Promo is giving me chills and making me tear up...)

Maybe I'm just going thru Man-opause...

All I know is I miss being moved by something on stage and BEING on stage moving others...

We all need to go see this show... Multiple times...


--------------- Comments ---------------


Fri, July 25, 2008 - 1:37 PM
Let's go! My man was a serious theater *ahem* fag in high school and I bet he'd love to get out and see a show. I would! let's call it a date for sometime in fall.

Sat, July 26, 2008 - 1:37 PM
I'm a theatre fag too!!!
It just feels so good to come out. I'm a theatre FAG and I'm PROUD!!! BTW I'd love to go see the show with you.

XOXO, Corinne

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