Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Do you care... ( Sat, June 18, 2005 - 6:43 PM

What an interesting concept...

A place to ramble, log, journal, rant and muse... where random people can examine and judge my pitiful (yet sometimes accidentally profound) diatribes...

My thought is...

Why would you choose...

with all the information and interests out there you are already focusing on...

Why would you choose to add "MY" stream of consciousness to flow into your already brimming over pool of morass.

Well... perhaps this is just a place to vent for vents sake... to clear... and if someone reads it... perhaps they will think less of their idiosyncrasies... (as compared to mine)...

I'll consider this blog my own personal PSA to you (including myself)!

And so it begins... as everything does.

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