Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Reminder For Myself, On The Days I Question The Difference I Make In The World…

I received this when someone said something nice about me online, I went offline and thanked her and asked why the sweet encouragement.

This was the response…

You were my friend in my darkest moments. Whether you knew what was going on in my life at the time or not, you're one of the few people that did not reject me and write me out of the "family". You have always welcomed me with open arms, and made an effort to stay in touch and be my friend even when I was not all that interested in people. Its small things like that, that go remembered. You always caused me to feel as if I was loved. You gave me hope and helped me learn to trust humans, just by being kind. You never come across as judgmental, even if you did or do judge me, I would never know it ;)

I know we are not super close, but we don't need to be in order for you to have such a huge impact on another's life. In fact, I think we have only met a handful of times and spoken another handful... and yet, you stand out among the 8 million people that have come into my life over the last few years. Don't forget for a second what a jewel you are to this community, and the huge contribution you make to the universe. If everyone spoke and acted with kindness, I think much of the sadness and fear of truly living would lift. You're the headlight in the fog. Much love my friend.

Bless up,

So, be kind! Really… :') You never know who you will touch… It may be me!

It can take so little effort and may mean so much.

And you never know how your unkindness or distance could really add to someone's pain.

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