I Micro Blogged (Twittered) this...
Wow... Twitter... How it "can" change your reception... They're perception...
And was asked "IS everything OK"...
My Reply... (and I'll edit/add to this blog...)
I was noticing how MICRO BLOGGING creates a very interesting social dynamic...
It's like little random thought bubbles being broadcast... even to a small group (30 twitter followers)...
the info gets disseminated, dissected and discussed... and it flavors the way you have occurred for those people and the way they occur for you...
BUT it's NOT TRUE conversation... it's snippets, which could be a rogue moment which, since it's NOT in person, not a real one on one connection, MUST be interpreted...
and then people form THEIR understanding of you (and you of them) based on some very tiny and cryptic scribed hiccups...
I'm just say'n... Not complain'n... Just a thought, an observation...
----- Addendum 1 10/28/08-----
So... Do NOT... stop yourself from communicating, sharing in snippets... Limited to 140ish characters BUT DO understand that peeps who don't know you (well... and even those who do)... may be massaging their opinions of you based on these snippets and if you ONLY Micro Blog when your in a UNIQUE space... a certain MOOD... some may ONLY have this info to go by... So don't be surpriesed when people see you and COMMENT on your Micro-Mood!!!
Just like a statement spewed in anger... once it is released... it can not be put back in it's cage!!!
----- Addendum 1 10/28/08 2:52 pm-----
Oh... One of the reasons I had this THOUGHT... was I've had people comment about "HOW are you"... and "You've been going though a rough period..." kinda comments... and realized... OH MY... I'm "sharing" a lot of random mood swings with a LOT of random people...
Sometimes it's really GOOD, letting the CAT out of the bad (yes, BAD) ... not letting it fester... having people who can relate to you, calling or just offering you their pathos and empathy...
BUT... there are times that this can create an IMAGE... of issues... which can diminish/taint (I said taint! hee hee) how you would like to be received in the community...
So, you have to OWN, be RESPONSIBLE for your words... and how they GIVE you the canvas that you can paint on in your community...
Sam(the Occasionally)Wise
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