A friend commented:
"The ways that people hurt one another in the name of love... Well, it's just simply unforgivable."
My first response...
Love is getting very annoyed with so many using him/her as a scapegoat... Use your own damn name!
And my follow up...
I also like the concept of "Impact", your actions (an inactions) have an Impact, saying "I am just doing what I need to do, and if others don't get it, that's their problem" is not the most enlightened stance. Do what you need to do AND take responsibility for the Impact is has on the world around you. You truly own your actions when you honestly and authentically consider and deal with the impact. This is good for all involved, especially you.
I like the idea of Love being a living thing. I hear quite frequently that God is love, and maybe quite literally God is Love: a living breathing entity and the only way that we can love is to have Love living through us. Thank you for the thought:)
Glad you enjoyed it Toni.
Curious how you discovered my blog... and what you think of my other ones.
I enjoyed your Pink Spoon Day.
We can have a taste everyday, it's always available, we just have to step away, even for a moment, from the world man has created and notice the beauty and simplicity that lives underneath everything, no matter how the cover looks.
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