Friday, September 11, 2015

"Finding"? CREATE Time (or anything that you want... )

I got a text message today...

"...I feel terrible to keep saying no, let me look at the schedule, I WILL find a time..." It made me think... You don't "find" things, you "create" them... If you keep trying to "find" things, you are limiting your life. Now... that doesn't mean you are not open to "discovering" or "noticing" things in your surrounding... If you have a vision of what you want to have in your life (but fairly general... Joy, Happiness, Playfulness, Family, Friends, Well Being... I like the idea of vision boards for inspiring you but if you have a picture of a Electric BMW and then you have an opportunity to get a TESLA, I don't think you should ignore the TESLA or feel upset that the Universe didn't give you exactly what you wanted)... Then really look in the direction of that vision BUT be open to anything that can help you move toward that thing... and be open to your vision changing, expanding, growing... Sometimes the vision is only a catalyst to get you to the next plateau to see an even more inspiring vision. Life will then always be interesting, fun and intriguing. Often the tools we need to get things done are sitting at our feet while we cry to the sky.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

SHARE Your World...

I am Re-Remember the idea of 
Speaking out loud what I am up to 
What is going on in my life... 

...with no expectation of anything BUT also being available for something good to occur

...BEING completely free and open

not caring if anything happens either way

Indifferent to the outcome... (I'd like it but if it didn't happened, that would be fine too, my life is not drastically different either way)

So like today, I was going to go to an electronics store after work...

take about 45 minutes there and back + cost of a USB extension for my new mic set up.

I just figured it couldn't hurt to ask around...

Turns out someone was throwing one out they had no use for it... 


Amazing (or is it... when it happens as often as it seems... the serendipity or just the openness to the possiblity) 

I could have been quiet and used my time and money and
that would have been fine


I shared and it had a great result...

just sharing...

I've also been working on "Lean on Me" for my Vocal Lessons...
and never knew the 2nd Verse:

Swallow your pride,
If I have things
you need to borrow.

no one can fill
those of your needs
that you wont let show.

Pretty cool...

So, share... with no expectations...

At worst, people can know and "share" in your world,
At best, people can contribute...


they will hopefully share back and you can contribute to them...

Pay it forward, backward, sideways, upside, downside, inside, outside...